Welcome to nore.co.id



Easy to use solution that is user friendly to our clients. For us, a solution that matters is solution that is usable and practical.


Transform your problems into opportunities to make improvements. Consult your stories and we will provide you an innovative solution.


Our dream is to make a digital solution that could be reached by everyone. We provide a solution that is suitable to their budget.

About us


Nore Inovasi is commited to provide the best solutions for information system, app, digital marketing, and all kinds of IT related matter. With flexible plan and price, Nore Inovasi provides consultation service, digital marketing, system and mobile app development as well as system content management and maintenace. Our professional team is ready to be a part of your success.


our brands

NDA (Nore Digital Agency) is a one stop solution for digital marketing necessity. NDA provides website, company profile, branding, ads and social media contents.

ULo (UKM Lokal) is a information system built to assist UMKM business. UMKM can start with free Point of Sales feature from ULo and later optimize their business using more complete versions.

Hotely is a cloud-based Property Management System that helps property owners to manage their properties. Hotely is suitable for various kind of properties such as Hotels, Budget Hotels, Inns, Apartments, and Boarding Houses


We have produced and released hundreds of solutions including company profile websites, mobile apps, and sophisticated information systems which were built from scratch

Escalate your business with us!

Grow your personal brand and business with our comprehensive IT service. Website, system, Android & iOS app development, digital marketing and beyond